10 Steps to Maintain Your Mental Health

So many people don't realize that having good Mental Health is just as essential as good physical health. Mental Health is inclusive of emotional, social, and psychological well-being. Mental Health is how you act, feel, and think as you learn to cope with life.  It helps determine how you handle stress, make daily decisions, and relate to others.  Mental Health is important at every stage of life.  You must learn to balance the negative and positive emotions that you feel. Of course, it's natural to feel some negative emotions such as disappointment or sadness. No matter how much you strive to stay positive, moving past difficult circumstances will require you to actually feel and explore them. As you navigate through the highs and lows of your feelings, they can really begin to help you respond to a problem in a more productive manner.  Stop nurturing your bad things that happened months or even years ago. Instead, focus on good things and try to cling to positive emotions as much as possible. Your mental health and physical health are connected; therefore, it's important to take good care of your body like you do your mind. 

Here are 10 Steps to Maintain Your Mental Health

  1. Stay Positive --- Have a positive outlook on life. Separate yourself from negativity. Don't compare yourself to others, fall for rumors, or get into simple arguments. Stop overthinking and worrying. 
  2. Develop a Mental Health Plan --- Map out steps to lead you to better emotional health.  It's okay to get counseling. 
  3. Improve Your Physical Health --- Stay active, exercise to reduce or prevent stress, and try to get at least 8 hours of sleep.  Rest to help replenish your mind and body.  Keep in mind that a lack of adequate sleep could cause you to become irritable and long-term sleep deprivation can lead to depression. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, proteins, whole grains and drink plenty of water.  What can you expect if your body lacks nutrition?  You have to focus more on making natural food choices rather than eating a lot of junk and processed foods. 
  4. Develop Spiritual Practices --- Being a part of a Church, Prayer Group, or Bible Study Group can reduce symptoms of mental illness, help with coping stress, and improve your well-being. Find a quiet space free from distractions and start praying and talking to God on a daily basis. Express what is on your heart to God. Try meditating on the Word of God each day as you begin to read and study the Holy Bible. 
  5. Laugh More --- Laughter is one of the best medicines for the body.  It is said that laughter helps keep away the doctor. because humor activates the pleasure and reward receptors of the brain. This is how laughter relaxes the mind and alternates emotions.  Proverbs 17:22 says, "A joyful, cheerful heart brings healing to both body and soul.  But the one whose heart is crushed struggles with sickness and depression."
  6. Be Grateful --- Make it a daily habit to reflect on and say what you are grateful for. You may even want to practice writing down some things you are thankful for in your life. 
  7. Identify Your Strengths --- Identify what you are good at and utilize those things to increase your well-being and boost your confidence.  
  8. Be a Giver --- Giving to others increases social well-being. Do random acts of kindness, help someone, or volunteer.  
  9. Find a Hobby --- What do you like to do?  Find something fun and relaxing to do on a regular basis.  For example, try cooking a new dish, acquire computer skills, learn to play an musical instrument, learn to sew, or write. 
  10. Implement Relaxation Techniques --- Relaxation techniques can help regulate breathing, lower blood pressure, and reduce muscle tension and stress. Try deep breathing exercises, or take a mental break by imagining a ocean or beach. 

In conclusion, people have to be in a right mindset to be mentally successful in every aspect of life. That doesn't mean that everything will be perfect or peaches and cream from day to day.  For a good span of time, it will actually be the opposite.  By practicing the steps mentioned previously, you will acquire a more sound mental health and a healthier life. Just remember to deal with issues in a more constructive way to yield productive results.  Rather than allowing yourself to be overwhelmed with stress, you will begin to recognize problems and work constructively to rise above them.  But remember, if you feel that you need additional help please don't hesitate to ask for it. 

Love & Prayers! 

KLun Divine Inspirations 
--- Katina Lundy


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