Remaining Grateful In Uncertain Circumstances

Certainly, 2020 has been rocky and full of uncertainty.  The past twelve months has brought more heartache and worry than many people have seen in decades.  A large number of people have had their faith in God shaken as it has been tested during job loss, health issues, lack of finances and lack of resources, and the uprising of civil unrest. However, let me encourage you today by saying that God sees everything and knows everything concerning you and He is just and faithful to take good care of you.  God only wants the best for you as He orchestrates your life.  There is no circumstance whether on a global, national, state, or local level that God can't turn around.  Hebrews 13:5 says, "Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." In the midst of everything that's happening, God is still good and very much in control.  On the surface, it may seem like a hopeless situation and worry may have set in but please release the weariness, hopelessness, and worry into the hands of God who is more than able to sustain you in the process.  Understand that this is only temporary, it will pass over.  Your faith is being tested. The hard places are causing you to be refined, and it is causing you to turn to God for answers.  Sometimes, God allows hard things to come your way in order for you to be driven into His arms and seek Him, and draw closer to Him. He sees your tears and is sensitive to your pain.  Psalm 18:2 says, "the Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold."  God upholds you because He is a burden barer, healer, deliverer, companion, friend, and lover of your soul.  He comes alongside you to lead you to a place of spiritual restoration, spiritual wealth, and spiritual healing.  

The sovereignty of God offers us provision and protection no matter what state of life we are facing.  He shields us from seen and unseen dangers.  Yes, Unseen!  Evil is lurking all around us on a daily basis.  We may not see the evil but it's there. What, protect me how? and What danger? ... you ask.  Oh, you are protected from multiple things like car accidents, muggings, thefts, bodily harm, physical attacks, and violence on the rampage. Also, God protects you from evil agents that have been sent out on assignment to harm you by implementing demonic strategies, traps, and plans. Our Protector, God, knows we are in a spirit war with invisible enemies to the naked eye (except if you've been gifted with revelatory sight to see spiritual being such as devils, demons, and angels); therefore, He as assigned His holy angels to each of us.  Angels intervene on your behalf every single day.  Is that just awesome? Isn't that wonderful to know that you have someone fighting for you? Angels guide your vehicles. They assist you in detrimental times like helping you to escape a crashed vehicle, or a burning house, or better yet how about preserving your home from a kitchen fire when the stove was left on while you're at work, or how about safeguarding you during the night from an overheated electric heater or dryer left running. 

And God is not only our protector but also our loving protector during the rough times and the favorable times. Isn't it nice to know that you can count on God? Job 36:15 says, "He delivereth the poor in his affliction, and openeth their ears in oppression."  God makes ample provision when there is a need. God will not allow you to suffer more than you are able to endure.  Philippians 4:19 says, "But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."  God is faithful in making provision and we can never repay Him nor thank Him enough.  Think for a moment about the necessities you have ... your house or apartment, lights, water, food.  You didn't obtain them all by yourself. No, it was and still is God who has given you the ability to have such things.  Deuteronomy 8:18 says, "But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day."  So often, these blessings of provision are taken for granted because over time we get so used to having them.  God even uses other people to bless us with provision.  For instance, have you ever been in line at the grocery store and the person behind you say I'll take care of the bill? Have you ever had someone unexpectedly give you money, and it's exactly what you needed to pay a bill?  Ever experienced random acts of kindness that paid for restaurant food, a car note, bought you new outfit or bless you with hand-me-down clothes? SEE my friend, that is God at work in your life making provision in unexpected ways. I love God because He is a Good Father! I've tried Him. He has proven Himself to be True and Faithful. He is my friend for life. I will serve Him forever! Wouldn't you?  

God is intentional about getting you from one day to the next.  You don't need to worry or fear about what tomorrow holds.  Don't try to figure it all out by yourself. Don't depend on your own intellect to get through the storm.  From this day forward, launch out into the deep and begin to reach for God.  Rely on God and trust what He says in His Word concerning you.  As your faith grows in God and your reliance upon Him increases, you will have more calm in your life.  The peace of God will hoover over you. I here to testify that the goodness of God is like no other.  No one can compare to my Mighty God.  My God is awesome, amazing, beautiful, caring, faithful, loving, restoring, and wonderful to mention a few. Code TP --- yes, Tried & Proven! He is a God of His Word; He will not relent. I'm forever grateful and thankful for the continually protection and provision God has made. 

It is my prayer that something you have read encourages you to trust in God our provider for every circumstance you face in this season and the hour to come. The faithfulness of God's provision will continue to encompass your life. 

Love & Prayers! 

KLun Divine Inspirations, --- Katina Lundy


Remaining Grateful In Uncertain Circumstances

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